This wonderful piece of art, by Maurice Harron, stands over a pass in the Curlew Mountains in North Roscommon. It celebrates an Irish victory there over English Crown forces in 1599. It was erected only in 1999 under a wonderful art support scheme whereby whenever there is a major investment in infrastructure in Ireland (here it was a new road) a piece of public art is included in the overall scheme. A wonderful initiative it has given us lots of very memorable pieces of public art (this is among my favourites) and inevitably some rubbish stuff too!
Posted by Frank Fullard on 2016-04-27 18:08:12
Tagged: , Frank Fullard , fullard , irish , Roscommon , Gaelic , chief , chieftain , Gaelic Chieftain , history , Curlew , mountain , battle , art , sculpture , Masurice Harron , Harron