Watching... and Scheming

The Steller’s Jays are always watching and scheming up new plans to steal your food or win a handout.

At Bijoux Falls, I used to stop for a break to relax and enjoy the waterfall. Now, I stop to enjoy the antics of the local Steller’s jay flock.

Within a minute of parking, they glide one by one down from the canopy. First, they size you up and if they determine that the chances of winning a snack are good, there will soon be a dozen or more perched on nearby branches.

I usually bring along a large bag of sunflower seeds or peanuts. The bolder Jays will come and stand on the picnic table and ask for seeds. Within minutes, I’ve had birds perched on my hands or shoulders.

Posted by Hello, It’s Me on 2019-11-02 14:12:41


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